Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pillows Galore!

My parents gave me a sewing machine for Christmas and I have really enjoyed it so far! I have pretty much just taught myself how to use it and I know I have A LOT more to learn. So far, I have made some pillows and I can't wait to make MANY more! In my opinion, you can never have too many decorative pillows! I am the type of person that has to change things around a lot (I get really bored when something looks the same for a long period of time) and pillows are one way to make the room look a lot different without having to change a lot about it. Here are a few that I have made:

 My very first attempt at sewing
 My fav so far, my absolute favorite color combo (hence the blog)
 Back of the pillow (this is considered an "envelope" pillow cover)
 I had some fabric left over so I decided to make another. I made the bow out of some ribbon I had on hand. Super easy and super cute!
 Love making these big bows! I have a feeling you will be seeing a lot of these in the future!
I was in the Valentine's spirit...I want to start making pillows for every holiday!

I have some pillows I am working on now that I will be showing you very soon! And I might even give you a little tutorial :) 




Love your pillows and your blog! I'm glad someone in the family is crafty...I'm jealous! Glad you are enjoying your sewing machine and that you have discovered a hobby that you are very talented at this! Enjoy!

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