Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Goodwill Finds!

So I have kind of a small (and by small I mean really big and it is all I want to do when I have any free time) obsession with Goodwill. I can go at times and find nothing and get super frustrated, but then other times when I find something I get so excited and it is totally worth my while! I just love the idea of being able to take something someone considered trash and turn it in to something great! I want to share with you a few things I have found at Goodwill recently:

 I found this beautiful picture box for $6...just a little plain for my liking
 inside of the box
 and WALA! Now that's more like it!!! (I am planning on adding pictures, don't worry)
 BEAUTIFUL wooden easel for $4. I think this would look great in child's room but for now, I will make other arrangements :)
 Wrought iron corner shelf for $10...my "wine shelf"
 These started out as plain jars (.50 a pop) and I made them in to treat jars for my girls! I painted the lids and added some stickers and ribbon. Perfect :)
 Southern Living plates for $3...LOVE!!!
 Beautiful candle pillar holder for $5. I am pretty much obsessed!
 I got several of these candles and the candle pillar holders from Goodwill. I clearly LOVE candles.

I will keep you updated on my future findings. Doesn't it make you want to shop at Goodwill?!?



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