Monday, February 28, 2011

Cutie Easter pillow!

I fell in love with this fabric at Hobby Lobby the other day and just HAD to make something with it...go figure, I choose to do another pillow! :)

I just love all the bright colors and the cute little chickies! And the ribbon rose I added to it. Super easy and super cute. Tutorial coming soon!


Thursday, February 24, 2011

There's nothin' a little mod podge can't do!

Remember my recipe box? Well, I had such a fun time doing it that I decided to make a little addition to my purple bathroom: 

A kleenex box holder!

Wooden box
scrapbook paper 
credit card
mod podge

Here is what I did...

I started out with a plain wooden box like this. Always make sure you sand it so you have a nice, smooth surface to work on.

I couldn't find a good purple to match the purple I have in my bathroom so I took some lavender paint and mixed some gray in with it to make the right color.

Paint all edges of the box where the paper will not cover.

Cut your scrapbook paper to fit all sides of the box. 
With a brush, apply a layer of mod podge to the wrong side of the paper and attach to the box. Do this with each piece until you have all of your pieces glued to the box. Use a credit card to smooth the paper out, so bubbles do not form.

Put another layer (or two, or three!) of mod podge on top. And there you have it! I just LOVE the pearl paper.

Happy mod podging!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Festive Pillows!

So my festive self decided I want to start making decorative pillows for every holiday (plus I have to take advantage of the fact that Hobby Lobby puts their seasonal fabric 50% off) so here is my St. Patty's Day pillow:

 Curious how I made this? 

I promise I will show you in the near future... :)


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Coffee Cozy!

I love coffee and I absolutely LOVE cozies. I think the idea is fabulous and I am so happy I came across Robin's blog and got this idea. 

These are so simple and can really come in handy when you frequently make Starbucks runs like myself. Plus, they are so darn cute! And what a great gift idea! (I have a feeling I will be making a lot of these for gifts in the future)

Here is my coffee cozy: 

Fabric look familiar? I had some left over from my pillow so I used it to do this as a test trial. It isn't perfect looking, but I am still a beginner at sewing, and practice makes perfect, right?

Here is the Tutorial I followed.  

I can't wait to go to Starbucks and test this bad boy out (and NOT worry about burning my hand while I'm at it ;))


Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Steven!

Since today is Steven's birthday, I want to dedicate a post ALL TO HIM! It is crazy for me to think that this is the 3rd birthday we have spent together. The past three years have flown by and it seems like just yesterday that I met this amazing guy.

We have been through a lot together over the past three years, and even though we have hit some rough patches, I feel like everything we have been through has only made us stronger as a couple and realize that we do not want to live without each other.

I am so proud of the man Steven has become and am so thankful that I met him. He has made me the happiest girl in the world and I feel so lucky that he chose me.

Some of my favorite memories...

our very first picture together...we look so young!
 trips to Folly
 Carolina Cup
 spending time with family
 St. Patty's day
 beach trips
 Panama City trips
 Five Points nights
Carolina games
 Valentine's day
days at the river

HAPPY 23RD BIRTHDAY STEVEN!!! Thank you for being YOU!


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ball Jar Makeover

We all use Ball jars...whether it is for jelly, candles, drinking out of, etc. Here is what I use Ball jars for:

Ball Jar Pin Cushions!!

Ball jars (with lid and band)
scrap fabric
cotton balls
spray paint of choice
hot glue gun

I followed this Tutorial by Suzanne. The only difference is I spray painted the band and used bigger jars because I wanted them to be able to hold more. 

I will be making many, many more of these to add to my sewing station! They really do come in handy because they can hold all of your sewing gadgets, and they are so cute!

What ideas can you come up with for using Ball jars?


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Got Wood?!

I love being able to transform a boring wooden box to...

A recipe box for my kitchen!!! 

A wooden box (which I got at Hobby Lobby in the wood section)
scrapbook paper of choice
paint of choice
paint brush
mod podge
letter stickers

I had some left over scrapbook paper from the scrapbook I made my cousin, Nicole, for Christmas. I just LOVE the paper so much, I had to put it to another use somehow. If you know me you know I love food and cooking, so a recipe box is just what my kitchen needed! I can't wait to come up with an idea for the recipe cards. For now, I just like to admire the box :)

All I did was paint the box brown (for where the paper doesn't cover the wood). Then, I cut the paper to fit each side of the box. With a paint brush, I put a thin layer of mod podge on the wrong side of each piece of  the paper and glued them to the box. I used a credit card to make sure no bubbles formed in the paper. After I attached all the paper, I put another thin coat of mod podge on top, waited for it to dry, then stuck my letters on.

Some more ideas I got from looking in the wood section at Hobby Lobby were wooden trays, a wood kleenex box holder, an ABC box for baby, a stool, wooden shelves, and any other plain boxes that can serve so many different purposes just like this one!

Do you have any ideas?


Friday, February 18, 2011

Dollar Store Frames

I love going to the Dollar Tree, browsing around, and seeing what neat crafts ideas I can come up with. I want to share with you one of my many dollar store craft ideas:

Framed Mirrors!

I really like the detail on this one!

Dollar Store frames
spray paint 
Dollar Store mirrors
hot glue gun
I started out with 3 ugly, plain wooden frames. I took all the hardware off so that I all had left was the frame itself. Next, I spray painted them (I used Krylon "hammered finish," because I really like this look). After they dry, hot glue the little mirrors in to the frames and WALA! All for $6! I will eventually hang them up on the wall when I decide where I want to put them.
I love doing simple, inexpensive crafts like these and constantly find myself walking in to the Dollar Tree for more ideas. I will be sure to share some more with you soon :) 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pillows Galore!

My parents gave me a sewing machine for Christmas and I have really enjoyed it so far! I have pretty much just taught myself how to use it and I know I have A LOT more to learn. So far, I have made some pillows and I can't wait to make MANY more! In my opinion, you can never have too many decorative pillows! I am the type of person that has to change things around a lot (I get really bored when something looks the same for a long period of time) and pillows are one way to make the room look a lot different without having to change a lot about it. Here are a few that I have made:

 My very first attempt at sewing
 My fav so far, my absolute favorite color combo (hence the blog)
 Back of the pillow (this is considered an "envelope" pillow cover)
 I had some fabric left over so I decided to make another. I made the bow out of some ribbon I had on hand. Super easy and super cute!
 Love making these big bows! I have a feeling you will be seeing a lot of these in the future!
I was in the Valentine's spirit...I want to start making pillows for every holiday!

I have some pillows I am working on now that I will be showing you very soon! And I might even give you a little tutorial :) 


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Valentine's to MEEEE!

I showed you yesterday some of my Goodwill finds, but I wanted to save this one for a blog of its own because it is so worth it!

So I was browsing around the Goodwill in Charleston (which I have to say is far better than the ones in Columbia) on Sunday and you will never guess what I found....

Are you ready for this?!?

A KEURIG COFFEE MAKER!!! Brand spankin' new! I just couldn't believe my eyes. I'm not sure if you are familiar with these, but they are amazing coffee makers. Once you use one, you will fall in love. The retail price for this exact one is $180. And guess how much mine was???


Lets just say I was a very happy person and couldn't wait to get home and make me some coffee!! This is just another example of the amazing deals you can find at Goodwill. 

Well, I think I'm gonna go make me a cup right now!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Goodwill Finds!

So I have kind of a small (and by small I mean really big and it is all I want to do when I have any free time) obsession with Goodwill. I can go at times and find nothing and get super frustrated, but then other times when I find something I get so excited and it is totally worth my while! I just love the idea of being able to take something someone considered trash and turn it in to something great! I want to share with you a few things I have found at Goodwill recently:

 I found this beautiful picture box for $6...just a little plain for my liking
 inside of the box
 and WALA! Now that's more like it!!! (I am planning on adding pictures, don't worry)
 BEAUTIFUL wooden easel for $4. I think this would look great in child's room but for now, I will make other arrangements :)
 Wrought iron corner shelf for $ "wine shelf"
 These started out as plain jars (.50 a pop) and I made them in to treat jars for my girls! I painted the lids and added some stickers and ribbon. Perfect :)
 Southern Living plates for $3...LOVE!!!
 Beautiful candle pillar holder for $5. I am pretty much obsessed!
 I got several of these candles and the candle pillar holders from Goodwill. I clearly LOVE candles.

I will keep you updated on my future findings. Doesn't it make you want to shop at Goodwill?!?



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