Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What I'm loving these days...

The weather here in Myrtle Beach has been absolutely PERFECT!!! It has been warm enough to go to the beach and lay out without getting cold and for me to wear all my cute sundresses, but cool and breezy enough that you do not break a sweat walking outside. I'm used to the typical horrible Columbia humidity so this is a pleasant change for me! 

With that being said, spending as much time as possible outside is what I am loving lately!

I have been loving taking Brooklyn on long walks around the neighborhood, going to the beach, and just sitting out on my back deck with a book in my hand. 

I want to share with you some neat things I have noticed while spending time outside in my yard...

 I bought these adorable pots at Hobby Lobby and can't wait to fill them with flowers!

 I love this butterfly hanging out on the side of my shed

 I love this bird house that matches my house!

 I had no idea these beautiful lilies were right behind my house. I literally JUST noticed them this past weekend. I think they might be my favorite flower! 

 My house :) Very beachy right?!!?

 I think this bird house is really neat!

 Nest right outside my side door. Mama bird is very loud and obnoxious any time I or one of my cats get anywhere close. I know she is just being protective though!

 My sweet Layla :) She greets me every time I get home!

 I have TWO palm trees in my yard!

 I have always wanted a palm tree in my yard. This makes me very HAPPY!

And my boy! I am LOVING seeing him every day after spending two years only seeing each other on weekends. This is a very pleasant change as well :) 

I know it will be getting super hot soon so I am trying to enjoy this beautiful weather while I can!



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