Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My House Series---Kitchen!

So many of you have been asking to see pictures of my house in Myrtle Beach. I have been putting it off because there are still sooo many things I want to do with it before I show it off. But, because I love you all so much, I figured I would show you a room or two a day for the next week or so. 

So here is the kitchen...(note: I am not completely done decorating any of the rooms yet, there are still many work-in-progresses and things to be done, but at least you can get somewhat of an idea how it is coming along as of now.) 

 One side of the kitchen...I love the openness of it!

 Our "bar" and bar stools. I had to fine SOME way to make use of my stools! (This island used to be in the center of room, but I like it over here better to make use of this huge bare wall and to open the kitchen up some.) 

 Another view---you can see the sliding glass doors which lead out to the deck.

 Just some of my fabulous collection of kitchen gadgets (thanks Pampered Chef!)

 My most prized possession, my Keurig :) 

 Fridge (I love the black) 

 The other half of the kitchen with the table and laundry room behind the doors.

 My DF going away present...I just LOVE! 

 Wine rack (one of my Goodwill finds!) 

Laundry Room

My cooking is improving I must say, but I just LOVE this sign! 

So there you have it...the room that I spend the most time in! Tomorrow you will be getting a look at the living room, get excited!



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