Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Rachel is here!!!

As many of y'all who know me know, my cousin, Mary, who is pretty much a best friend and whom I consider more a sister, had her BEAUTIFUL baby girl Monday, May 16, 2011 at 3:14pm. Rachel was 6 lbs, 11 ounces, and 19 inches long.  It was so hard for me to not be able to see her immediately, me living in Myrtle Beach and her living in Columbia. I was finally able to see her this past Saturday when I finally had a day off to drive to Columbia. So of course I have to show her off!!! She is absolutely precious!

Isn't she the cutest?!?

I could not get enough of her.

I already miss them so much!

Needless to say, I'm a pretty proud Aunt. Yes Mary, Aunt. No first cousin once removed weirdness. hehe.

Love, Michelle

Friday, May 20, 2011

Sweet Layla

My sweet cat, Layla, who was a birthday present to me from Steven and I have had for a couple of years now has been gone for over a week. She was mostly an outside cat, because she simply loved it outdoors and that was what made her happy. She would come in several times a day, mainly to eat and take naps, and stay in most nights. But she would always remain close to the house--always in the yard. I knew something was wrong after just one day of her not waiting at my door step, wanting to come inside to eat. Now it has been 8 days and I can't stop thinking about her. I feel so guilty for letting her be an outside cat to begin with, always having the fear in the back of my mind that something could happen to her. My fear has become a reality. And I just miss her so much. I miss her sweet little meow. And I know the other girls, Ashley and Brooklyn, miss her as well. I hope and pray that she is safe somewhere, that someone took her in and is taking care of her. I put up fliers around the neighborhood, and have yet to hear from anyone. As long as she is safe somewhere, even if that means I will never see her again, I will be happy. Thinking of anything bad happening to her absolutely breaks my heart, because she really was the sweetest cat in the world. 

 Layla has always had the cutest little face!

She was a huge fan of Steven from the very beginning!

 Layla and Ashley were best friends--they loved each other more than anything and I loved watching them interact.

 Not to mention these two--they were the best of buds!

She always wanted to go everywhere with her mama!

 And she was a very committed Braves fan.

 Always greeting me every time I got home. What a great thing to come home to!

The last day I saw her--always sleeping in the silliest positions and cracking me up.

I love you Lay, please come home!


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Clock Tutorial

If you don't remember, just click here to refresh your memory...

Step 1 
Take clock apart

Step 2

Get all of your supplies together. You will need:
spray paint
mod podge and some form of paint brush (a super cute dog keeping you company is optional)
number stickers

Step 3
Spray paint the clock whatever color you please--I use this color on pretty much everything!

Step 4

After your clock has dried, trace the fabric to fit inside the clock and cut it out. 

Step 5
I didn't take a picture of this step, but get your mod podge and paint a thin coat on the wrong side of the fabric and attach it to the clock, smoothing out any bubbles with a credit card. 

Step 6
Attach your stickers--I totally eyed where they would go (I know the exact time may be a little difficult to tell but it's more for the looks, right?!)

Step 7
Put the clock back together

Step 8
Hang in your super cute craft room!

May I remind you that I already had all these supplies on hand and left over so the total cost for this clock was $1.60!!!

Can't beat that! :)


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What I'm loving these days...

The weather here in Myrtle Beach has been absolutely PERFECT!!! It has been warm enough to go to the beach and lay out without getting cold and for me to wear all my cute sundresses, but cool and breezy enough that you do not break a sweat walking outside. I'm used to the typical horrible Columbia humidity so this is a pleasant change for me! 

With that being said, spending as much time as possible outside is what I am loving lately!

I have been loving taking Brooklyn on long walks around the neighborhood, going to the beach, and just sitting out on my back deck with a book in my hand. 

I want to share with you some neat things I have noticed while spending time outside in my yard...

 I bought these adorable pots at Hobby Lobby and can't wait to fill them with flowers!

 I love this butterfly hanging out on the side of my shed

 I love this bird house that matches my house!

 I had no idea these beautiful lilies were right behind my house. I literally JUST noticed them this past weekend. I think they might be my favorite flower! 

 My house :) Very beachy right?!!?

 I think this bird house is really neat!

 Nest right outside my side door. Mama bird is very loud and obnoxious any time I or one of my cats get anywhere close. I know she is just being protective though!

 My sweet Layla :) She greets me every time I get home!

 I have TWO palm trees in my yard!

 I have always wanted a palm tree in my yard. This makes me very HAPPY!

And my boy! I am LOVING seeing him every day after spending two years only seeing each other on weekends. This is a very pleasant change as well :) 

I know it will be getting super hot soon so I am trying to enjoy this beautiful weather while I can!


Sunday, May 8, 2011

To my mother...

I thought today would be a perfect day to devote an entire post to my amazing mother. Words can not express how thankful I am that I have a mother who is by far the most caring, honest, giving, nurturing, patient, unconditional loving, beautiful woman I have ever known. I do not tell her enough how appreciative I am of everything she has done for me throughout my life. I am who I am today because of her and I strive to be a better person, just like her. I hope to one day be HALF the mom she has been to me.  

Some of my favorites of my mom and I...

celebrating my 23rd birthday!

Easter 2010

Hilton Head Island


The Outer Banks

celebrating my 22nd birthday

Edisto Marina 

Christmas 2010

4th of July 2010

Edisto Island

the Vista

my graduation 

 Easter 2011

I mean, how can you not love her?!?



your daughter 

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