Monday, April 4, 2011

I'm alive!

Hi everyone!

I apologize for being so M.I.A. lately. I have had a lot going on and haven't made as much "craft time" as I like to. NOT AN EXCUSE! I admit, I have been a slacker and I need to get it together :)

Soooo I want to update everyone on what is going on in my life right now. I am getting ready to make "the move" that I have been planning on making for awhile now. Myrtle Beach here I come! Steven and I (hopefully) found a house that we love and Steven starts his new job there TODAY! So we are planning on moving in the next couple of weeks. Time to start packing...AGAIN(didn't I just do that?)! I couldn't be more excited about a change in scenery and just getting out of Columbia. I love it here, don't get me wrong, I mean it is home, but I  am definitely ready for a change. And of course, to be closer to Steven :) The hardest part will be being away from my family. I will miss our nightly dinners and spending my weeknights sitting on the couch with my mom and watching all of our reality shows. I am so lucky to have been able to move back in with my parents for a short amount of time and spend so much time with them. I wouldn't take the last few months back for anything.

The job hunt is still very slow and unsuccessful, but I know I will find something eventually. Just figuring out what exactly I want to do is probably the hardest part. I mean, why can't I just craft for a living? Now THAT would be the life! (One day, Michelle, one day) Please pray for me and my job search and for a smooth, stress-free move!

I hope everyone has a great Monday! Some new craft blogs coming soon, I promise! ;)



Lindsay said...

Happy for you guys! We need a catch up sesh soon! :)

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