Saturday, April 30, 2011


 is going to consist of...

 A lot of this...

Quite possibly a lot of this... 

 Some of this...

And a little of this...


Could a day possibly get any better?!?

I don't this so.

Hope your Saturday is as good as mine! :)


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Brooklyn!

Today, the most amazing animal I have ever had the priveledge of getting to know and love turns 2. 
I still remember the day we (Steven & I) met her. It was a perfect, sunny day. We drove out to the middle of nowhere and were introduced to four adorable black lab puppies. Little did we know we would be falling in love right there on the spot. I asked Steven, "which one do you want?" He immediately pointed to her and said "that one!" Although they were all so cute and I would have loved taking any of them home, I had my eyes mostly on her and was ecstatic that Steven did as well. 
She first caught our attention because she was by far the smallest. The cute little runt. And man she had a personality! She was the most captivated by us and all she wanted was our love in return! And she sure did get it.
She has not left one of our sides since the day we got her. I miss her every time I am not around her. She is our best friend and we can always count on her. She is our protector. And best of all, she is an INCREDIBLE cuddler! :) 
I love our days at the river walk, trips to the beach, jogs around the neighborhood, nights cuddling on the couch, car rides and doggie dates. I can always count on her to help me finish my meals, keep me company when I am lonely, make me feel safe and protected in any situation, and force my lazy self to take daily walks and runs. 
I love you Brooklyn and I can not wait for many, many more years together!

The day we fell in love and brought her home.

Mama's pride and joy

Our little family

I can not get enough of that tongue and those ears. It brings a smile to my face every time :)

From countless beach trips...

To days at the river...

To days at the park...

To trips in the car...

Our friends are her friends.

Our family is her family. 

She always manages to put a smile on our faces.

And we always manage to put a smile on hers :)

She can be playful.

And she makes the BEST faces!
There's no doubt she knows what teams to pull for!

And she just LOVES her play dates!

We have been through some rough times...but hey, that's life!

"Come on mom, it's bed time!"

She sure does love her beauty sleep!

Happy Birthday to my
little angel!

Love, Michelle

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sneak Peak...

As many of you know, I made my much anticipated move to Myrtle Beach last weekend. So this whole week has pretty much consisted of unpacking, getting everything set up, decorating, etc. (When it should have consisted of job hunting, OOPS!) I am very happy with how everything is coming along and once I get some more things done in the house, I will be posting pics! For now, I want to give you a sneak peak in to my craft room in planning. Here are a few things I have been working on...

 I had some flowered wall hangings from years ago that I didn't like anymore so I covered them in fabric and added some ribbon!

 Closer look

 An old frame I decided to spice up a little bit!

 A hideous shirt from Goodwill that I decided to buy for the fabric and buttons!
(Thanks Bekah for the find!) Adds a lot to the boring frame and candle.

 Closer look

 I covered my plain black "M" with fabric scraps! 

 I'm sure you remember this lamp I re-did, can't forget about it!

You probably remember these as well. They will be sitting above my sewing desk (there will be one more to the right that I am currently working on) 

Can't wait for these to be sitting in the corner of my room! 

I am LOVING the different fabrics that you see me using repeatedly. 

There you have it, a sneak peak in to my soon-to-be FAV room in my house :)


Thursday, April 14, 2011

What to do with a side of the road rocking chair...

With the help of some Krylon Bahama Sea, transform it in to another craft room accessory...DUH!

And maybe even add a super cute table...

And of course, some super cute pillows...

I just love finding things on the side of the road :) 

Oh, and I have to give Goodwill SOME credit where I found this cute little table (well, it didn't used to be too cute...) 

And Hobby Lobby for the fabric :) 


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