Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Christmas in July

Last weekend when I was in Columbia I went to an estate sale down the road from my parents and found some cute Christmas decorations for pretty much nothing! I'm pretty much O.B.S.E.S.S.E.D. with Christmas decorations, or decorations in general for that matter, so of course I just had to get them!

Here are my findings: 

Since it is obviously not Christmas yet and I can not store anything that I just bought I thought hard about how I could use these in my house at this very moment...

I have been in the Gamecock spirit for days now after winning the National Championship AGAIN (which by the way, GOOOO COCKS! How AMAZING is that?!!) so I decided to make an addition to my Gamecock collection....

This makes me soooo very happy to look at! I LOVE MY GAMECOCKS!!!! AND this tree can be up all year around :) 

 I gathered up some stuff that I already had laying around...some fabric, ribbon, and beads...and of course these awesome balls that Santa gave me last year in my stocking!

Not only do we have the best team EVER but I don't think I could ever get sick of these colors! I just love them.

It definitely belongs right here!

As far as the adorb margarita glass looking decorations go...it took me a really long time to figure out a place for them. I'm running out of room to put stuff! But I managed to find a place in my kitchen that needed some love...

(I'm sorry these aren't too clear...I'm using my OLD camera because my other one broke...I need to get a new one!)

Just added a few tealight candles and grape decs that I had lying around...very simple and cute!

You can always find a way to incorporate some of your Christmas decorations all year around...you have proof right here!



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