Monday, September 26, 2011


I love FALL.

I love Fall because of the colors of the leaves...

I love Fall because of the smell of a pumpkin spice candle...

I love Fall because of the decorations...

I love Fall because of Football Season...the best time of the year!

I love Fall because I love anything pumpkin...including Green Mountain Pumpkin Spice coffee, pumpkin pancakes from the Original Pancake House, pumpkin cheesecake from Devine Foods and roasted pumpkin seeds...hungry yet?

But most importantly I love Fall because I love spending time with close friends...

And family...

I love Fall. 
I am so blessed.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I love picking out birthday cards for people and I just love cards in general (yes, I am the girl who saves EVERY card that I receive). I have been super slack lately about sending birthday cards and so I got to thinking...if I had something to display loved ones birthdays on that would help remind me to send them a birthday card! 

So here is what I came up with...

YAY! A perfect addition to my craft room!

And the best part of all? It was FREE! Everything I used was stuff laying around the house.

Here is how it is done...

Get an old frame...I had this one put up in a closet because the corner of the glass was broken...I don't throw anything away and I am so glad I held on to this!

Gather some scrap fabric and something to hang the frame on the wall with. At first I was just going to use ribbon, but then I came across this scrap piece of (I can't think of what it is called) that I previously used to put around a lampshade. I had this little piece left and I am glad I found a way to put it to use. 

Hot glue the piece of fabric around the back part of the frame.

Put the frame together (the glass should be covering the fabric). I added a few of these fabric swirls (that's what I call them) to cover the broken glass with hot glue. You would have never known!

Attach whatever you want to use to hang the frame with hot glue as well.

 Get your paint and paint "Birthdays" on the glass. 

And there you have it! Now each month I will write the name of the month and everyone's birthdays so that I can not forget and constantly depend on facebook :) And what is so amazing is that if you use a dry erase marker all you have to do is wipe it right off of the glass. So easy!

(Please do not take it personal if your birthday is not on here. I know I am still going to forget some!)

YAY for birthdays!!!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

TV Stand!

Make sure you look at THIS and THIS post before you continue!

After I was completely done with all my spray painting, I did a little sanding around the edges and applied some craft paint in places to add some excitement!

 Green and blue...are you really surprised??

 a dab of blue here...

 a dab of brown there...

and a little smearing with a damp rag...

And then I added the knobs!

 Now I finally have a TV stand for the guest bedroom!

All for $7 (cost of spray paint)

What have you found on the side of the road lately?



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